Believing the current crisis that is gripping the nation along with the rest of the world is financial in nature may be a bit naïve. There is clearly a financial aspect involved as evidenced by the sheer losses of savings and assets by individuals around the world, but what has emerged as a result of the “events” looks more like a battle to preserve the status quo as it relates to banking, government and social class. To be more specific, I believe this is a class war involving the oligarchy here in the United States and the middle and lower economic classes.
When examining the “to big to fail” mentality as it applies to government institutions or very large investment houses and insurance companies that stand on the brink of dissolution, it should be added “to big to fail at all cost”. There is apparently no cost too large in saving the “to big to fail” institutions. But what is it that stands behind those “too big to fail” institutions? It is the ruling elite. Of course the message “to big to fail” is being sold by the very people who would lose power should things actually fail.
In my view, the economic middle class of the United States is what is “too big to fail”. The rescue packages for the elite social class are dependant upon the existence and compliance of the middle class as this is where the lion’s share of tax revenue that is funding these rescues is derived.
Something else that is “to big to fail” is the trust that elected officials in this country have in the middle class to go along with their scheme. The general public is beginning to awaken to what is happening around them. Americans continue to lose their homes and livelihood, all as a result of government rescues that directly benefit the ruling class. Middle class pension funds and investment accounts have been raided by Wall Street bankers and it is starting to dawn on people that maybe the bankers are getting away with it. Once trust is pierced by the evidence of corruption, change will come. Perhaps those in Europe staging protests at the G20 economic summit, 40,000 strong, are foreshadowing events coming to a neighborhood near you.
While so much noise has been made about avoiding failure, I have seen little information outlining what it might look like should institutions fail that are so called “too big to fail”. In broad strokes decentralized banking would be one result if the mega NY banks were allowed to go belly up. Local banks would become stronger. Also going down with failed institutions would be the corruption that has festered inside their walls. Saving these “too big to fail” conglomerates also preserves the corrupted mindset that has manifested colossal greed and financial destruction. We might all benefit greatly by letting those forces pay the price of their misdeeds. I think a few large insurance companies going under might open the door for health care that actually is managed by doctors rather than statisticians.
I think it is also fair to say the statement “too big to fail” is a misnomer. They have already failed. They are not about to fail, they have already failed. The only thing keeping the illusion alive that they are about to fail and need to be saved is called book keeping. It is not really a secret for anyone following this action to understand that J.P Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Citigroup, HSBC and on and on are unofficially bankrupt. And by the way, so is the United States Treasury. This fact will become more obvious as the value of the U.S dollar begins its decline as our lending countries (Japan, China, Saudi Arabia) stop buying U.S Treasury bonds and funding our uncontrolled spending. When the creditor cuts off your credit, it is time to declare what your ability is to cover your debts. This day will come and it may come sooner than we all might expect. The result will be catastrophic as the government will attempt to print its way out of debt.
We are witnessing the failure of an entire economic philosophy that took root almost 100 years ago in the United States and over 300 years ago in Europe. The system is a debt based economy. One of its tenants is that downturns in economies can be prevented by government intervention and stimulus spending (IE massive government borrowing, more debt). I do not think it takes a rocket scientist or a Harvard economist to understand the reasoning is flawed. Where there is nothing of value at the heart of an economy, where the creation of money is an arbitrary decision made by private bankers, where debt becomes the basis of value, when the idea of unlimited borrowing is a solution, something is rotten at the core.
Consider deeply within yourself the efficacy of the meaning at the core of capitalism: debt (a promise to pay) is the basis of value. A dollar bill is nothing more than a promise the United States Treasury has made to pay the interest on a government bond it has sold to someone. It has been many years since the Treasury has even attempted to make a payment on the principle of its debt. Capitalism and our democracy do not necessarily go hand in hand. Capitalism as it is now known is nothing remotely akin to what the founders of this country outlined. The American economy has been taken over by private banking interests that have been institutionalized over a number of decades. It is a cancer on our economy and on our social class structure. It has placed the very sovereignty of the United States at risk by crippling it / us with debt that cannot be repaid by reason of a robust economy. We the taxpayers in the United States are in debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and to a privately owned bank called the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. These creditors will collect what is owned to them in some fashion. If tax revenue cannot cover it, property, corporations and other privately held assets will be taken. Hard to believe? The current Treasury Secretary of the U.S is seeking the power to seize such assets as you read this paper.
This is one in a series of papers that will outline what has occurred over many years leading us all to this moment in what will soon be history.
What does one do? Here is a link to consider some ideas:
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