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"Through listening, nurturing and reflection, I catalyze the world, and people, to manifest their highest vision."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hot Girls in Scary Places

In case you have been out of the country, off the planet or hiding under a rock, you may have noticed a new “reality” show hitting all those HDTV’s hanging on walls all around the country. I happen to be in Mexico and by reason of the miracle invention of satellite TV, devised no doubt as a by product of many billions of taxpayer dollars used for the Research and Development to send men and women into space and to the moon, find it impossible to avoid such top quality programming.

I am imagining all those engineers working late hours for decades in the 1950’s and 60’s designing and planning the complex systems necessary to launch human beings into space and on to the moon, and find it hard to get past the obvious fact that all this marvelous technology has made it difficult if not impossible to avoid “Hot Girls in Scary Places” on my TV. Here in Mexico we are so lucky to have it in English with Spanish subtitles.

Don’t let me get ahead of myself; I want to be clear here. This article is not a review of the show “Hot Girls in Scary Places”. I have never actually seen the show, only the fact that it exists. This article could be construed as advertising for this show because we all know that there is no such thing as bad news in the entertainment industry, but again, that is not my intent either.

To be honest, when I first heard the title for the show, I laughed with wild abandon. I thought to myself “Now I have seen it all”. But then I realized there has to be a billion spinoffs on this franchise and I want to get in on the easy pickings, after all who is not going to watch a show where hot girls are in scary places! What a brain storm someone had coming up with this one. Doesn’t every man, women and child want to know what happens when hot girls are put in scary places? Such a social leap forward as this one simply cannot be ignored.

Some of my spin off ideas for follow up TV shows began to seep from the deepest reaches of my adolescent subconscious that had been locked shut for the last 40 years, and so today I give you:

: “Hot Girls Running From Scary Things and One of Them Trips and Falls”. What suspense, which one is going to fall this week?

Or how about this spin off: “Hot Girls Bending Over to Pick Up Loose Change”. Consider the multitude of camera angles that could come into play on this one!

My personal favorite would be: “Hot Girls Talking On Their Cell Phones, Putting on Makeup, and Eating Breakfast While Driving on the Freeway”. This project could evolve into an Olympic event if the ratings soar as I suspect they will just by reason of the crashes and fatalities factor. Of course this show could be followed immediately by “Hot Girls in Car Accidents Planning their Plastic Surgery”

But here again I digress and again I did not write this article for gain or notoriety. I wrote it to write something that would have as little or no effect on the evolution of our species as possible. I had originally named this article “A Step Back in Time and Intelligence” but then I thought, who would look twice at an article with a title like that, if I am setting out to write an article that has no redeeming value I want people to read it! Just like those who produced “Hot Girls in Scary Places”.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cousin Vinnie Goes to Washington

Cousin Vinnie Goes to Washington

During the 8-year stretch of the Bush administration, backroom politicking went on steroids with the poster children (Cheney/Rumsfeld) of such tactics on display at various prisons around the world as American interrogations turned to the dark side of torture.

Outing Valerie Plame as a CIA agent also ramped up the political tit for tat game of sore winner and loser. Relations with big business under the Bush regime couldn’t have been better. Deregulating energy gave rise (and fall) to Enron, and a whole new meaning for “cooking the books” of large corporations (Worldcom comes to mind) was presented by non other than the accounting firms responsible to keep those very same books clean. As it turns out the accounting firms (Arthur Anderson) wanted in on the investment action making millions with insider information.

On January 20th, 2009 a new administration came to Washington to clean up the mess of the previous 8-years. Forming a strong and seasoned team of cabinet members, Secretaries of this and that, and many others, a congenial Barack Obama began his work as Chief Executive. Much has been said about the first 100 days and whether it has been a success so far, but out on the fringes from the central events in the political 3 ring circus, disturbing news dribbles out.

The first piece of news was the firing of General Motors CEO Rick Waggoner by Barack Obama. It seemed a little unusual at the time, but I gave a pass to the action with the rationalization that CEO’s, not just bankers, have some ass whoppin’s comin’ and with Mr. Waggoner’s’ firing some justice had been done.

Recently news has come out that in the restructuring of Chrysler Motors there has been some very heavy handed back room warfare. The protagonist; government car czar Mr. Rattner, and on the receiving end Perella Weinberg an officer of a non-TARP fund holding Senior debt obligations belonging to Chrysler. What makes this so appalling comes to light with the following except of the action from a blog site I follow:
“Then you have White & Case attorney Tom Lauria, describing the experience of one of his clients, holders of Senior debt in Chrysler, to Frank Beckmann:
Lauria: One of my clients was directly threatened by the White House, and in essence compelled to withdraw its opposition to the deal under threat that the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation if it continued to fight. That's how hard it is to stand on this side of the fence.”

What finally resolved in this instance with Chrysler is holders of Senior Debt for Chrysler (who are first in line to collect in the event of bankruptcy) were told they were moved to the back of the line. While this is a clear violation of business law, it is the government that makes these laws and is changing them at will.

If that isn’t enough how about Ken Lewis CEO of Bank of America describing under oath to NY District Attorney Andrew Cuomo his interactions with Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke: “Mr. Lewis told prosecutors that then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke instructed him to keep silent about deepening financial difficulties at Merrill Lynch.”
In fact what Paulson and Bernanke told Lewis was that they (the government) would replace the entire board of B of A if the acquisition of Merrill Lynch was not completed by Lewis.

In the parley of gangsta rap cousin Vinnie is the strong-arm you call on when someone needs some “convincing”. I am not naïve enough to think there are only pleasantries between politicians in Washington or anywhere for that matter. After the Nixon tapes many of us were educated by the tone and use of foul language in the oval office. Even the goon squads (ie Nixon’s Plumbers) that were formed during those years were outsourced thugs. These days it seems we have removed the middleman and have appointed the thugs unabashedly to our most prestigious government posts.

I recall the welling of pride in my chest when watching the Frank Capra movie “Mr Smith Goes to Washington”. Witnessing Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Smith, following his integrity at all costs and fighting the beasts in the dark corridors of government, framed for me the hope of what this country could be, should be. Today, I am quite sure that should Mr. Smith show up in Washington, cousin Vinnie (or Bernanke or Rattner) might see that he had a little accident in the Potomac.

The halls of American government are littered with lobbyists (lobbyists for the banking sector alone number 5 for every member of congress) whose intentions are to write legislation favorable for their industry. These lobbyists write very large checks for such favors.

What we are now witnessing is the cleansing of corruption by reason of this financial meltdown. Rest assured there is plenty more to come before some terra firma is underfoot. Attempts to keep the prevailing structure of business as usual will not hold it together but will add to the general pain and suffering. So remember, when cousin Vinnie comes a knockin’ whether it be your door or the one’s in Washington, if you let him in, there is a price to pay that relates to more than money, cause cousin Vinnie, even though he doesn’t know it (he ain’t too smart, never was) steals your soul.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Step Right Up Getcha Swine Flu Here!

Imagine for a minute that 7 miles from your town there is a farm. It is a very large farm covering several thousand acres. On this farm, every year almost 1 million pigs come to live their short lives and then are sent off to supermarkets all over the country.

A pig by weight is the equivalent or more of a human being. Now imagine a million humans living on several thousand acres of land 7 miles from your town. Looking at this comparison strictly in terms of waste, the pigs would actually leave less waste than humans considering the things humans consume and throw away. In any case the bodily waste of such a concentrated collection of humans or pigs is colossal. How do we know this? We know it because there is such a farm located 7 miles from Veracruz in Mexico. It is an American owned hog farm.

Residents who live by this farm 7 miles away complain of intense infestations, even clouds of flies. The well water in the region has been decimated by the runoff of fecal matter and the evaporation ponds on this facility give off odor on an order of magnitude that renders nausea to those who dare inhale.

In considering a facility like this, (and there are others around the world), where massive concentrations of livestock are grown, it appears the impact on the farm land as well as the human habitat for miles around is profound. At ground zero on one of these farms (I use the term “farm” loosely here, it is more like a factory), the probability of disease is exponentially increased. With mountains of animal waste, flies and who knows what else, humans have manifested giant Petri dishes all around the globe.

The first case of “Swine Flu” was detected in this town. Of course governments from both countries deny that such factories could manifest anything like a pandemic but I wonder ………….

The Black Plague of the 1300’s affected the world population as well as the social behavior of the world culture during that time after losing almost 40% of the collective population. It is widely believed this plague was carried by fleas on rats. While it is common to put the blame on the fleas or the rats or both, the human health conditions being the cause is sometimes overlooked. Cities were breeding grounds for the rats carrying the fleas. Europe particularly had been experiencing overpopulation in the cities and immediately before the plague years had experienced food shortages due to climate changes. Does any of this sound familiar or is it just me. In the 1300’s it wasn’t called Swine Flu because in a sense the human cities had become the breeding ground. It was called the Black Death, and there were many who believed the disease and death was caused by the Jews who had made their way to European cities and had poisoned the well water (here we go again with the conspiracy theories). The contemporary medicine men of the times never did figure out what the Black Death was all about. One day people just stopped dying.

I looked up Swine in the dictionary. Stay with me, humor me here: (A) Swine; a vicious, contemptible or disgusting person. (B): any of a family of omnivorous artiodactylous mammals with a coat and elongated flexible snout. If you were naming a flu like the one we now have and you understand that it is a combination of human, bird and pig swill, I thinking (using our definition of Swine) that A+B+B (bird swill)= F (the viperous flu). We have our conspiracy theories for the swine flu outbreak but I can pretty much guarantee that without the vital ingredient of A in any capacity you would not have F in any capacity. If I had to choose A,B or F, I think B is sounding kind of warm and fuzzy as the definition I wanna join. Unfortunately I have more than 2 or 4 toes (artiodactyls), but it’s nothing a little cosmetic surgery won’t cure, hell I even have an elongated snout!

The links below take you to source articles for this blog. http://www.truthout.org/043009S



Monday, March 30, 2009

Follow the Money Part 1

Believing the current crisis that is gripping the nation along with the rest of the world is financial in nature may be a bit naïve. There is clearly a financial aspect involved as evidenced by the sheer losses of savings and assets by individuals around the world, but what has emerged as a result of the “events” looks more like a battle to preserve the status quo as it relates to banking, government and social class. To be more specific, I believe this is a class war involving the oligarchy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligarchy here in the United States and the middle and lower economic classes.

When examining the “to big to fail” mentality as it applies to government institutions or very large investment houses and insurance companies that stand on the brink of dissolution, it should be added “to big to fail at all cost”. There is apparently no cost too large in saving the “to big to fail” institutions. But what is it that stands behind those “too big to fail” institutions? It is the ruling elite. Of course the message “to big to fail” is being sold by the very people who would lose power should things actually fail.

In my view, the economic middle class of the United States is what is “too big to fail”. The rescue packages for the elite social class are dependant upon the existence and compliance of the middle class as this is where the lion’s share of tax revenue that is funding these rescues is derived.

Something else that is “to big to fail” is the trust that elected officials in this country have in the middle class to go along with their scheme. The general public is beginning to awaken to what is happening around them. Americans continue to lose their homes and livelihood, all as a result of government rescues that directly benefit the ruling class. Middle class pension funds and investment accounts have been raided by Wall Street bankers and it is starting to dawn on people that maybe the bankers are getting away with it. Once trust is pierced by the evidence of corruption, change will come. Perhaps those in Europe staging protests at the G20 economic summit, 40,000 strong, are foreshadowing events coming to a neighborhood near you.

While so much noise has been made about avoiding failure, I have seen little information outlining what it might look like should institutions fail that are so called “too big to fail”. In broad strokes decentralized banking would be one result if the mega NY banks were allowed to go belly up. Local banks would become stronger. Also going down with failed institutions would be the corruption that has festered inside their walls. Saving these “too big to fail” conglomerates also preserves the corrupted mindset that has manifested colossal greed and financial destruction. We might all benefit greatly by letting those forces pay the price of their misdeeds. I think a few large insurance companies going under might open the door for health care that actually is managed by doctors rather than statisticians.

I think it is also fair to say the statement “too big to fail” is a misnomer. They have already failed. They are not about to fail, they have already failed. The only thing keeping the illusion alive that they are about to fail and need to be saved is called book keeping. It is not really a secret for anyone following this action to understand that J.P Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Citigroup, HSBC and on and on are unofficially bankrupt. And by the way, so is the United States Treasury. This fact will become more obvious as the value of the U.S dollar begins its decline as our lending countries (Japan, China, Saudi Arabia) stop buying U.S Treasury bonds and funding our uncontrolled spending. When the creditor cuts off your credit, it is time to declare what your ability is to cover your debts. This day will come and it may come sooner than we all might expect. The result will be catastrophic as the government will attempt to print its way out of debt.

We are witnessing the failure of an entire economic philosophy that took root almost 100 years ago in the United States and over 300 years ago in Europe. The system is a debt based economy. One of its tenants is that downturns in economies can be prevented by government intervention and stimulus spending (IE massive government borrowing, more debt). I do not think it takes a rocket scientist or a Harvard economist to understand the reasoning is flawed. Where there is nothing of value at the heart of an economy, where the creation of money is an arbitrary decision made by private bankers, where debt becomes the basis of value, when the idea of unlimited borrowing is a solution, something is rotten at the core.

Consider deeply within yourself the efficacy of the meaning at the core of capitalism: debt (a promise to pay) is the basis of value. A dollar bill is nothing more than a promise the United States Treasury has made to pay the interest on a government bond it has sold to someone. It has been many years since the Treasury has even attempted to make a payment on the principle of its debt. Capitalism and our democracy do not necessarily go hand in hand. Capitalism as it is now known is nothing remotely akin to what the founders of this country outlined. The American economy has been taken over by private banking interests that have been institutionalized over a number of decades. It is a cancer on our economy and on our social class structure. It has placed the very sovereignty of the United States at risk by crippling it / us with debt that cannot be repaid by reason of a robust economy. We the taxpayers in the United States are in debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and to a privately owned bank called the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. These creditors will collect what is owned to them in some fashion. If tax revenue cannot cover it, property, corporations and other privately held assets will be taken. Hard to believe? The current Treasury Secretary of the U.S is seeking the power to seize such assets as you read this paper.

This is one in a series of papers that will outline what has occurred over many years leading us all to this moment in what will soon be history.

What does one do? Here is a link to consider some ideas: http://www.gold-prices.biz/move-your-money-out-of-the-country%E2%80%A6-and-soon/#more-1050

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blueprint for Reality

“Ironically, you begin changing your reality the day, the hour, the minute you cease constantly reacting to it” John Kehoe

This quote from John’s book “Mind Power into the 21st Century” provides the foundation for the process of allowing one’s life to be a creation of intention rather than one of reaction to the world round about. His work and this blog follow nicely on what was explored last month relative to “The Field”, a book by Lynne McTaggart.

Kehoe has clearly studied the work of quantum physics and as a result, developed a “life-style” that incorporates the theories of current physics into specific practices. He provides a wonderful outline of how to train the mind and heart to operate within the fluid creative field of possibilities we occupy.

I think it is important for anyone who might pick up a book like John’s, or go to a Tony Robbins seminar or any other self improvement endeavor to find some clarity of what the underlying motivation is in you before jumping in. I say this because I think the biggest nightmare for our planet as a whole would be to have the underlying motivation of greed continuing to proliferate on this planet. We currently are witnessing in the U.S. what happens to a democratic form of government in conjunction with a Capitalist economy where ethics and morality are tossed for power and greed. The corruption is now endemic, accepted as a way of doing business. This is what needs cleansing from the system along with the “toxic assets”. The toxic mentality of “at any cost” is what has brought down capitalism.

When I reflect on human history I can’t help but see patterns of violence, greed, control, corruption and general moral decay. Yes, there are individuals, hopefully all of us included, who have formed a core built upon integrity born out of self evaluation. Without the core intact and a clear wellspring of truth as our carrier wave, I shudder to think what millions of humans would create armed with the knowledge of quantum creation.

The quantum field has no moral code or ethics. It is a field of energy available for creation. We, on this side of the equation, in the realm of “form” have a front row seat witnessing the sum total of human collective consciousness and what it creates. Of course there is incredible beauty and creativity (the only reason I still stick around here), but clearly in times like this when the proverbial chickens come home to roost, or the piper has to paid, or the penny drops, or the other shoe falls, all we have created and why we created it is up for review.

Throughout John’s book he certainly points the reader toward wholeness and inspirational messages with chapters that look into Wholeness, Healing, and Fulfilling relationships, but in all cases of self-improvement, it is the doer’s reasons for the undertaking that really matter. If at our core we are filled with need, lack and fear we are likely to use new tools like quantum creation to assuage those underlying compulsions. Our worlds are truly at our fingertips and what we create at those fingertips finds its root with our deepest desires and motivations.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reality Check

Although I have heard many times throughout my life how we each create our own reality and by reason of my coaching practice am acutely aware of this phenomenon, I had yet to come across any mainstream recognition of this fact, that is, until I came across a particular book titled “The Field”. The book, having been published in 2001, makes me a late comer to the party on this one. If you have not read the book, in a nutshell, the author, Lynne McTaggart compiled scientific research and studies of physicists who have been involved in research over many years of how Quantum Physics has opened the door to our understanding of the impact living beings have on electric particles (electrons), the building blocks of our “reality”. I put the parenthesis on reality because as a result of these studies it appears that matter, solid substance, does not really exist. In essence, our interactive participation with “the field” (an energy field) through the aperture of our consciousness, creates reality.

As mentioned earlier, I was aware of these “possibilities” through the range of reading and interests I have, but I had never looked into the actual work that had been done by the scientists themselves. Virtually all the scientists were skeptics and highly conservative as scientists generally are, but throughout the course of their experiments and studies, they could not get around the facts that were coming to them as a result of their work.

Many of the studies are incredibly dry and mundane but the resulting information is a paradigm blower! Over the years I have become more aware of how it is that I create the circumstances, opportunities and situations in my life, and through my coaching clients’ performances have become more convinced that at the level of “form” we really do create our own lives.

Ironically, while it appears we have this ability, we really do not have the discipline in place to really make it happen in any specific way. Many of the studies in the book center around people interacting in various ways in a variety of activities such as; to influence a controlled electrical device by concentrating or focusing on one thing or another related to the machine (I do not want to delve too deeply into the nuts and bolts of the science), or practicing “remote viewing”, or affecting the healing process of terminally ill aids patients by offering them blessing or some form of radiant expression (all from a distance). In each of these studies, the results are unassailable; human beings interact with a field of energy with intention through their consciousness have a definitive impact on electrical fields over great distances. When studies focused on groups of people acting in concert together, the results were exponentially greater.

As a species, during the last century we have become aware of these possibilities. I tend to believe that we created this new paradigm of Quantum physics, just like all the other paradigms that have come about by reason of scientific investigation, or what ever venue is the prevailing aperture for the mass consciousness to orient to. For centuries it was religion that provided the paradigm and the “laws” of god and nature. The lag time between advances in consciousness and its acceptance into the main stream consciousness and thereby shaping that current reality can be quite long, but when the 100th monkey gets it, we all get it and then something new becomes a way of life.
At this point in time, with movies like “The Secret” and “What the Bleep?” the laws of quantum universe have been introduced into mainstream consciousness. If you go along with the notion that you create your own reality, then how are you practicing that creation? It is clear from the studies, and also through my own experience, that purpose, vision, commitment and creation can and will manifest a whole new set of circumstances if one knows how to practice each of the steps! When you look at yourself in the mirror and honestly answer the question “Are you really happy?”, or if you take into account everything you now have in your life (friends, family, home, finances etc) can you really say, “I created all of it, every last detail of it and I understand how I arrived here in this moment just the way it is”?

The creation of our lives is not a random progression of circumstances (unless that is your intention). What the scientific studies seem to indicate is that electrons are quite happy flitting into and out of form. In fact they really only flit into form when they are being studied or observed. The implications of that statement implies that the world we experience and see, is a collective creation which is shared through this vibrational field of energy. Living beings create reality.

What each of us can call our lives is a specific result of our own consciousness interacting with this energy field. The same holds true for our collective reality. The field itself contains the memory of all molecular interactions everywhere that have ever taken place. We live within this field and will create our lives for the most part, as a result of our emotional, mental and physical inclinations. We can be completely oblivious of this field and will still create our reality. You might say we can create out of ignorance that this field is present or we can create out of conscious interaction with this field, either way we will create our experience.

Knowing this, it seems prudent on our behalf to learn how this field is accessed through our consciousness. What is the operating manual? The scientific studies indicated that in the long distance healing experiments the best results were attained by those who went into a meditative place. In the remote viewing experiments participants took periods of time to settle their minds and hearts and coming into stillness. In both instances it was mentioned that the process and success rates were heightened when participants were given a little training before hand in how to access and maintain a focused awareness.

I invite you to consider whether the experience you are now having in your life, is the one you really want? Are you passionate about your life, doing and creating the things that leave you satisfied and empowered? What is true and absolute is that you have created what you now have. If you are not fulfilled by this experience it is time for a reality check of your own.
“Whatever you can do or dream that you can do, do it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now” -Goethe