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"Through listening, nurturing and reflection, I catalyze the world, and people, to manifest their highest vision."

Sunday, January 20, 2008

All right, for years I have arm-chaired my exulted thoughts about life on this little blue ball, noticing such a variety of opinions,viewpoints and solutions passing through consciousness, but never sharing them. My Sound was OFF.

One day recently I realized that the simple act of voicing me into the virtual world of cyberspace, is voicing myself into the very collective consciousness where we all have access. I am doing this more for myself as my voice needs to be spoken more than it needs to be heard. I am simply turning my sound ON. I am activated. I am joining the matrix.

I have been around too long to think I have anything new to offer under the sun that hasn't been spoken, written or thought already before. But what is unique to all this is the fact that there is only one of me, and that me, puts thoughts and words together uniquely as well. So why not speak directly into the mind and heart of humanity? Why not declare in this day and every day who I am?

The screen I sit in front of is my portal into the world. My digital signal will be added to the other countless digits flying through our collective web.And yes, the message from me today as I speak into the body of mankind can simply be: "I want to acknowlegde the pain and fear, the hurts, dismemberment and abuse that has accumulated within our body of humanity. And in that acknowledgement, I want to extend a blessing, a boost if you will, that healing can come, that all is not lost."

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