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"Through listening, nurturing and reflection, I catalyze the world, and people, to manifest their highest vision."

Monday, December 1, 2008


It is an assertion of mine that until we as individuals in this country have a general understanding of the impact banking has on our way of life, then our current state of affairs around the globe will never be fully understood and dealt with. We will continue to be fooled by the headlines in the newspapers and in the end not realize that we have given our sovereign power over to people we are not even aware of.

Many of the people I work with and know as friends find little or no interest in the world of finance. That is until the system goes off the rails as it has now. All along running in the background of our everyday lives, actions are taken which compound themselves, and over time build to a point where the system breaks. Many people assume that situations like the one we have facing us now, economic collapse, is brought about by consumers getting greedy, or stock brokers and CEO’s grabbing for all they can get and to all that I would have to agree that the consciousness of greed, once in the atmosphere, can be epidemic. But behind all this, there is more taking place. There is something driving these events and the actions that lead up to them. The following quote reveals an understanding of the forces at work behind the scenes. This paper will attempt to draw more of this awareness out into the open.

"'The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution... Bankers are more dangerous than standing armies... (and) if the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and CORPORATIONS that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.'

-Thomas Jefferson

Every time I see this quote I have to read it several times, reminding me that it was uttered over 200 years ago. At that time the world already had experience of Central Banking and it appears that Jefferson was well aware of the consequences. It is due to his insight and others who wrote the Constitution of the United States that within the constitution it is clearly mandated that only the Department of Treasury of the United States has the power to issue currency and coins, and that the currency and coin would be backed by gold and silver. The reason for backing currency with precious metals is to ensure that there will only be as much currency printed as there is in value of gold and silver in the treasury. By reason of this relationship between the amount of currency and precious metals in the treasury, governments are constrained in their spending.

The ink was barely dry on the fledgling Constitution when those in support of a privately owned Central Bank, that would act on behalf of the U.S Government, to lend money to the government (with interest) and manage the creation and distribution of its money supply, were actively engaged in undermining the sovereignty of the United States and its citizens. Alexander Hamilton was one of the more vocal proponents for centralized banking (possibly due to the fact that he was instrumental in creating the Bank of New York which later became one of the banks in the Federal Reserve system).

As our nation evolved, central banking finally found its way back onto the scene with its’ present incarnation starting in 1913. Since 1913 incremental changes to our system of finance brought us to a point where nothing backs our currency. Both gold and silver were gradually de-monetized and as a result the Federal Reserve Note you carry in your wallet or purse has less intrinsic value than your wallet or purse. It is backed by government debt. The change to central banking brought with it a monetary system where money is created every time the government sells a U.S Savings bond. More debt, more money created. It is interesting just how much power has been given to banks. By walking into your local bank and acquiring a mortgage for $100,000.00 the bank registers that loan in its book keeping system as an asset. The bank can now make a loan based on that $100,000.00 that you borrowed. It doesn’t stop there either. Banking laws allow banks to loan 10 times the value of their assets. Your original $100,000.00 loan allows your bank to loan out $1,000,000.00 more. Of course every loan made from that $1 Million allows that bank to loan another 10 times that amount. The only restraints on a bank are that they are required to have 10% of the amount they have lent out in reserves.

What a great deal! Let’s form a bank! We each put $100,000.00 in the pot. Let’s say we get 10 investors to do that. Now we have $1 million dollars to lend. For every $1.00 we are capable of lending out, we get to lend out $9.00 more!!! If we were able to lend out the entire $90,000.00 we raised to create our bank (remember 10% in reserves) we get to create $9 million new dollars to lend!! What a deal! Of course that $9 million can turn into almost $90 million if we keep getting customers to borrow from us. Welcome to the banking “bidness”. Our income comes from the interest we charge on these loans. What is really interesting is that while we have nothing to back up all this money we are creating(except the 10% in reserves), the people we are lending it to are required to have collateral in order to get us to lend them the money!! Hahahahahahaha what a deal, this keeps getting better all the time! We create money out of nothing, and get people to sign over their house, cars, boats to us if they can’t pay the loan back!! Even if they can’t make the very last payment on their mortgage, we get the whole house!!

I know I mentioned it earlier that the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is a privately owned bank. Imagine the deal that was made to allow that to come about!! Who do you think holds the loans for these massive government spending deficits? Is it common knowledge that over 30% of the United States governments’ annual budget goes to pay the interest for the national debt? That makes a tidy sum of $600 billion or so in interest per year! What the ……….? Who the …………? How the ………….?

And this, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg!

If you like this type of topic and are curious for more, I also put out a bi-monthly newsletter ($20.00 per month) which focuses on the macro-economic world, the larger cycles that playing out and how you might position your finances in response to these megatrends. My bi-monthly articles are much shorter and more specific. Just let me know if you would like to try it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Is This a Financial Crisis?

The title of this article gives rise to the possibility that many more things are in the picture along with what is being called a financial meltdown. Finances are simply finances, the movement and flow of currency. It appears that something has entered the picture of late that has impeded the flow of currency. It is not as though there is suddenly no currency, in fact quite the contrary is true. It is a fact that the flow of it has slowed to a trickle. Like a game of musical chairs with the people moving around the circle to the music representing banks, and the chairs, representing currency. Suddenly the music stops, there is a scramble for the remaining chairs, but now there is one chair less (a bunch of currency has been declared bad). With no chair there is no bank, one player will leave to game. A level of fear has consumed the banking community worldwide where no one wants to dance to the music for fear that if the music stops, they might be the one holding the worst of the paper at the worst time. Trust has dissolved.

What is money? Even in circles of economists, this topic is not as clear as you or I might assume. You can go far back in history to times when paper money was issued as a convenient means of exchange for goods or services, and that paper represented a measure of some kind of redeemable commodity. Grain, olive oil, salt, beads, blankets shells, gold and silver all come to mind as tangibles that were used to form the basis for exchange at one time or another. Money can be described as whatever the majority of people agree to represent the particular commodity that was accepted as having measurable value. Paper money and coins were convenient representations of commodities as they were easy to conceal and easy to transport if large amounts were needed for a transaction.

In today’s world, money no longer represents anything tangible. Money is created out of debt. A government issues a bond to raise money. Which came first, the bond or the money? Here is where banks come into the picture. It does not matter which came first. Banks have been given permission to create money out of nothing, out of debt. A corporate bond, municipal bonds, car loans, mortgage loans, any kind of promise to pay allows banks to create more promises to pay. Once you sign that “promise to pay” the bank turns that loan into an asset, and can now make a new loan based on that previous loan. A concept for our minds to grasp is that if everyone, everywhere paid back their loans and all government, and corporations did the same, there would be no currency, no money. The system we live in depends upon debt and that debt, that promise to pay back the loan is dependant upon something even more valuable ……. Trust.

So what is this crisis really about? The erosion of trust between countries and Int’l banks has reached a critical mass. The agreed-to system of world finance has handled many abuses and can handle many abuses and still survive. What has happened in these days is a critical point has been breeched where finally greed and corruption became the order of the day. Unfettered, unregulated and unmitigated greed is what is now unwinding before our very eyes. The greed has given way to fear.

This is a crisis of values and character. It is unfortunate that world financial systems require regulations and laws. These requirements indicate a propensity of human behavior toward excess. Value has been placed on having money and things rather than value based on character and integrity. Each of us is presented with opportunities in every moment of our lives to demonstrate where our interests and passions lie. There is no getting around it. We are what we do, what we think, how we treat others and how we treat ourselves.

The crisis such as the one on the world stage right now will not be solved by putting more money on the table, tax rebates, lower mortgage payments etc. Healing will only come when new (old) values come to the forefront, not only on the financial stage, but in our very lives. Until we demand that sound values and character are the most important elements for a stable and thriving society, a cloud of uncertainty will continue to be present.

There are hard times ahead for all of us. This will be a challenge we will all be living through together. It is best resolved by helping each other and restoring trust and integrity between each of us. Trust restored.

Monday, April 7, 2008


My interest in Life Coaching, while providing good service to those whom I have worked with over the last 6 years, led me on a deeper exploration of why and how it is possible for people (including myself) to manifest / create new circumstances and realities simply by making the decision and commitment to do so. Could it be that simple?

Yes, it is that simple. We have all been practicing the art of manifestation in our lives. We do it every day, every moment. It appears that some people are better at manifestation than others, but I have come to realize this is not true. It only appears that way. What “appears” to us is that someone “over there” has manifested something that we have always desired. We want that too! Because someone else manufactures what we secretly desire for ourselves does not make them a better creator. The fact is we are all creating, all the time. We cannot do otherwise. What you have in your life right now is the expression of all the choices you have made to this point. That is why it is good to take a close look at what you have and how it got there. Is this what you really want? You are the only one who could have made what you now have possible. How could it be any other way? The difference between you and the person who has manifested something that you desire is that they made a decision and a commitment specifically to bring it about. Full commitment.

Many people enter the adult period of their lives with a blueprint that evolved out of their childhood experiences of family and peers. For me, that blueprint was quite a hodge-podge that I managed to survive in spite of; but the “education” through childhood certainly gave no training or map on how to flesh out my deep sense of mission and purpose and make that manifest. I was driven to find all this out as a pre-requisite to getting on with my life and career. In my early 20’s I started a business selling snack food from a basket door to door to businesses. After a number of months one of my regular customers asked me what I would do if this business didn’t make it. In that moment I realized I had never considered the idea that it might not be successful. It was never part of my paradigm. Oh yes there were difficult challenges getting a startup business going, but the thought that it might not work was never an option. That kind of commitment in anything one undertakes will produce the desired result. Without fail. I thank that customer for asking the question because it made me realize a key component that manifestation rests upon; commitment. At the time I was still working on mission and purpose in my life. Ultimately this business was sold so I could move more specifically toward my sense of purpose, but an important aspect of life was revealed to me by reason of that experience.

What I have come to notice through all the trainings, seminars and my coaching work, is that there are certain people who, upon coming to the understanding that they actually do create their reality, want to understand consciously the laws they have been putting to use which, up to that moment has been unconscious. We cannot be free from the laws of manifestation, we cannot be free from creating our reality, but most of us are not actually aware of how to be aligned and conscious of the laws and how they have been working in our lives already. Those who “wake up” so to speak to these fundamental laws change their lives through practice. Why? Because they already understand that what they have achieved in their lives to that point, has been a result of practicing manifestation without clear understanding of the process, thereby yielding unfulfilling results. Results are only unfulfilling when they are out of alignment with our sense of purpose. Of course if the purpose is unclear and unarticulated, finding fulfillment becomes a game taking place in the dark.

The essence of my brand of coaching is based upon understanding oneself in several key areas. Those who have come on board to work with me have changed their lives to one degree or another, depending upon their commitment and understanding as to how they “tick” and re-training their capacities to manifest a life that is truly congruent to who they are and why they came here!

I’ve written these thoughts as an invitation for people who may be in transition, a tight spot, unsure of direction or generally confused about what is next in some portion of their lives. The invitation is to go deeper within the context of your current life, and work in an intensely creative container to uncover and develop a new blueprint for yourself. The invitation is to be congruent with who you inherently are, and allow the world you inhabit to be a reflection of that deep sense of knowing that resides inside you.

What is the quality of “you”? How do you care for the things you love and want to see grow? The exploration “TO BE” is really the only game in town. Everything undertaken without this fundamental experience in place is an effort to fill that place with substitutes. Most people use possessions, habits and a plethora of activities to mask the deep sense that something is missing. Many stay busy trying to fill this place that can only be filled with conscious understanding of purpose and mission.

Every human being has a mission and purpose. For those who believe in a higher power, how could it be any other way? Would a greater Intelligence manifest this experience we call life without a purpose? We are all part of that purpose! For those who do not resonate with the “Higher Power concept” might be forced to admit that there is some kind of order or laws present that allows molecules to organize themselves into what we are clearly witnessing all around us. Seems to me there is intelligence at work of one kind or another round about. There is greater purpose (at least an organizing purpose) and as a direct result of that, we, by default are included within that context.

Human beings have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that there is purpose to this whole grand scheme of things and that they too have a purpose within that context, and further, each person can actually be conscious of the part they are here to play. How could anyone possibly be brought into form here on earth; going through the process of incarnation, all taking place within a context of purpose and not have access to the blueprint required for getting here? The blueprint is us! It is our very substance of animation. Purpose and meaning for anyone is literally within each person’s grasp. There is nowhere to go to find it. If it seems hard for you, the reader, to find, sometimes all it takes is someone who has made the journey already, to lend a hand.
This is not about religion or joining anything other than the exploration “TO BE”. The exploration that ends with the discovery of what wholeness is for you, which is unique to you!

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do …….. do it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!” Goethe

Best of health and may the abundance you create be abundance you enjoy!

To be or not to be? That is the question.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wars of Ideas

“Obviously the present crisis throughout the world is exceptional, without precedent. There have been crisis of varying types at different periods throughout history--- social, national, political. Crisis come and go; economic recessions, depressions, come, get mollified, and continue in a different form. We know that; we are familiar with that process. Surely the present crisis is different is it not? It is different first because we are dealing not with money nor with tangible things but with ideas. The crisis is exceptional because it is in the field of ideation. We are quarrelling with ideas, we are justifying murder; everywhere in the world we are justifying murder as a means to a righteous end, which in itself is unprecedented. Before, evil was recognized to be evil, murder was recognized to be murder, but now murder is a means to achieve a noble result. Murder, whether of one person or a group of people, is justified, because the murderer, or the group that the murderer represents, justifies it as a means of achieving a result that will be beneficial to man. Therefore, the implication is that a wrong means will produce a right end and you justify the wrong means through ideation……. We have a magnificent structure of ideas to justify evil and surely that is unprecedented. Evil is evil; it cannot bring about good. War is not a means to peace.”

These are words by Krishnamurti. I was moved to use them for this blog simply because they are true and are worth repeating.

Let’s explore a little bit. Let’s say that on 9/11/2001 radical Moslems masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC. In the grand scheme of things, the numbers of people that were involved, and those behind the ones that carried out the act all added together are extremely small, likely to be in the thousands. They had no national identity as a group and were funded from a variety of sources who again, had no particular national identity. In fact while they had similar religious affiliation they were a small number within that context as well and did represent the greater numbers. Accusing all Moslems for the attack would be like accusing all of Judaism for the crucifixion of Christ.

As is stated above, if the means to produce a “noble” result is evil, no good can come as a result. Left on it’s own account, these attacks would have stood, through time, as a testimony to harsh brutality in the eyes our collective world. In fact, at the onset after the attacks, that is just exactly what occurred, world outpouring of grief and condemnation. The grief soon turned to anger and was amplified many fold as ideations began to flood with the possible responses. It is here at this point in the cycle lies world patterns. They are world patterns simply because enough individuals in the world have provided precedent in ways to respond to aggression similar to the 9/11 attacks. In each of our individual lives, how many times have we been “attacked” emotionally, verbally, mentally even physically and found that after a brief grieving period we got really angry and wanted revenge. Getting such revenge may provide some moments of resolution, but in the end what is perpetuated is the cycle of violence and the justification of all levels of violence.

I am sure there are those might read this and say “If we had turned the other cheek with the Nazis we would all be speaking German” or “With that type of reasoning Don, murderers would be walking the streets, there would be lawlessness, no one would be safe”. I would pose the question then, that each one of us look a little more deeply into our hearts and ask the question, and make the honest inquiry; Do you feel safe now? Have all the wars really provided the safety they intended? Is the price of evils cost worth the goods it returns? It’s return of course is more of the same. Brutality, like greed is magnified by its use. Similarly integrity, humility, connection, understanding, respect, honesty and truth finds itself in abundance when it is given expression.

If one wanted to make a collective evaluation of the state of mankind, who would take exception with the growing violence, greed and deception practically everywhere you take notice? Add to that the amplification of events by our “news” sources; our direction as a species is well defined.

No, I am not a pessimist. I would call myself a realist of sorts, because I understand that individuals are making choices in each and every moment creating the world’s that they inhabit. This understanding makes me an optimist. Why? Because the means to changing the world does not rely upon governments, corporations or churches. It relies solely and completely upon the choices each one of us makes. Here is real power. Each one of us, whether we choose to believe it or not, has created the world we inhabit. It has been created as a direct result of choices each one has made. There is no way around this fact. Struggle with this Truth and you struggle against the laws of the universe. I know the next round of queries to this line of thought is; “But Don, how can you say this? What about the innocent child that is abused, what about babies born with deformity? How did they create those worlds? How could they have been responsible for that?”

We, each one of us, enter this world on the invitation of the ones who brought us here, our families. Their individual worlds, a world created from their choices. We inherent something when we come here into this world; good, bad, ugly, beautiful. If we survive beyond our initial dependency, we find ourselves in the place of making choices, just like the ones who preceded us. Who among us is awake enough, alive enough and strong enough to make our journey here one of discovery and victory over limitations and primitive psychological urges? Who is capable of moving forward with a destiny that reaches beyond an eye for an eye mentality, and actually embraces understanding?

Consider the monetary costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Reaching into the hundreds of billions, what is there to show for it? This abundance is the abundance of our collective national identity. What is to show for it? Death and destruction, greed and malfeasance. There is nothing noble about the intention or the result of “justified” murder. Each one of us has a higher calling, a more noble purpose to apply our taxes to! Imagine the hundreds of billions that have been squandered being applied to achieve a noble healing, a deeper understanding of why the attacks took place on 9/11? Imagine the use of our collective resources directed toward reconciliation joining together in what binds us all.

I am not a blind optimist either by the way. Many do not want healing or reconciliation. Many want war and aggression. So I return to the message contained in this collection of thoughts. We each have the power to create our own experience. That is, in fact, all one can truly be responsible for or with. If you are deeply happy with your creation, there is no need to change. For the rest of us …………………………

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Institution or Institutionalized

Corporate greed .......... steroids in sports ............ abuse in the churches .............. cosmetic plastic surgery ...................... a gang of thugs in Washington ..................... newspapers, TV, radio spewing propaganda................... what do all these have in common? They are all manifestations of corruption today.

The word "corruption means deterioration, the breakdown from a functioning, ordered state." Corruption has multiple applications depending upon the context in which it is used. These relate to political office, morality, decay, language, and data.

Each of the above mentioned organizations (yes an individual getting plastic surgery is an organization of one) has been institutionalized in each of our minds and hearts. We have been raised to believe in our "institutionalizations" in primary and secondary school education that politicians, great men of the business world, sports heroes and of course the media are all acting out of concern to the highest good of all. They are working for us! What a great system!

While we have all been served that meal through learning our history as a country, or the ethics of business practice, not all of us have apparently eaten the meal. The fact is, many if not all of us want to believe those we admire, elect or trust and they are in fact acting out of their best integrity. I think it is important to hold such space within ourselves, such possibility that it might be true, so we don't create a culture of cynics. But there does come a time when the balance in a society is tipped gradually over the course of many years until finally it becomes defined as corrupt (or in integrity) due to the prevelance of it through the spectrum of a society.

In our current paradigm, the scales have been tipping for decades to this very point in the spectrum where graft, greed and appearances are the order of the day. Image is everything, substance is secondary.

George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barry Bonds, Ken Lay, Bernard Ebbers, Mark McGwire, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Karl Rove (and many more) all have one thing in common. Corruption.

The corruption they have been labeled with isn't really fair as I see it, as they are not alone in this. While that does not obsolve them of responsibility, the real underlying fact is that the fabric of our culture is where our leaders and icons are born and raised.

When the institutions of our culture are peopled with corruption it is being put on display before all of us so we can take a look at ourselves and consider who we are and what drives each one of us to be the person we present to our family, friends and the world at large. Of course the choice is also present to follow their example and grab all we can as well.

There isn't a whole lot of distance between the crimes of George Bush or those of Barry Bonds when viewed from the level of motivation in each one. There is where the corruption lies. It is in the shadow of the inner realms and manifests in as many ways as there are people under the illusions these shadows project. There lies the disease and sickness of a collective culture that implants silicon, clamps stomachs, implants hair, creates news not for news sake but as advertising to sell news.

Both Barry and George crafted and utilized their respective talents based upon an inner foundation where the message "at all cost" prevails. Truth, where real substance resides, is the sacrificial lamb and is not part of the decision making process. As I say, the real gold we can find in our current reality as a society is that all our ills are firmly placed before us in our public figures. So too are the cures. And while it does seem for the time being that balance has dipped into the pool of corruption, it gives cause for hope as well. We are seeing the ills and injustices, we see where the adjustments need to be made both in ourselves and in our society.

We are each empowered to manifest our own integrity. When we define who we are by the substance of our commitment to living a life born out of integrity, balance begins to be restored.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

All right, for years I have arm-chaired my exulted thoughts about life on this little blue ball, noticing such a variety of opinions,viewpoints and solutions passing through consciousness, but never sharing them. My Sound was OFF.

One day recently I realized that the simple act of voicing me into the virtual world of cyberspace, is voicing myself into the very collective consciousness where we all have access. I am doing this more for myself as my voice needs to be spoken more than it needs to be heard. I am simply turning my sound ON. I am activated. I am joining the matrix.

I have been around too long to think I have anything new to offer under the sun that hasn't been spoken, written or thought already before. But what is unique to all this is the fact that there is only one of me, and that me, puts thoughts and words together uniquely as well. So why not speak directly into the mind and heart of humanity? Why not declare in this day and every day who I am?

The screen I sit in front of is my portal into the world. My digital signal will be added to the other countless digits flying through our collective web.And yes, the message from me today as I speak into the body of mankind can simply be: "I want to acknowlegde the pain and fear, the hurts, dismemberment and abuse that has accumulated within our body of humanity. And in that acknowledgement, I want to extend a blessing, a boost if you will, that healing can come, that all is not lost."