In case you have been out of the country, off the planet or hiding under a rock, you may have noticed a new “reality” show hitting all those HDTV’s hanging on walls all around the country. I happen to be in Mexico and by reason of the miracle invention of satellite TV, devised no doubt as a by product of many billions of taxpayer dollars used for the Research and Development to send men and women into space and to the moon, find it impossible to avoid such top quality programming.
I am imagining all those engineers working late hours for decades in the 1950’s and 60’s designing and planning the complex systems necessary to launch human beings into space and on to the moon, and find it hard to get past the obvious fact that all this marvelous technology has made it difficult if not impossible to avoid “Hot Girls in Scary Places” on my TV. Here in Mexico we are so lucky to have it in English with Spanish subtitles.
Don’t let me get ahead of myself; I want to be clear here. This article is not a review of the show “Hot Girls in Scary Places”. I have never actually seen the show, only the fact that it exists. This article could be construed as advertising for this show because we all know that there is no such thing as bad news in the entertainment industry, but again, that is not my intent either.
To be honest, when I first heard the title for the show, I laughed with wild abandon. I thought to myself “Now I have seen it all”. But then I realized there has to be a billion spinoffs on this franchise and I want to get in on the easy pickings, after all who is not going to watch a show where hot girls are in scary places! What a brain storm someone had coming up with this one. Doesn’t every man, women and child want to know what happens when hot girls are put in scary places? Such a social leap forward as this one simply cannot be ignored.
Some of my spin off ideas for follow up TV shows began to seep from the deepest reaches of my adolescent subconscious that had been locked shut for the last 40 years, and so today I give you:
: “Hot Girls Running From Scary Things and One of Them Trips and Falls”. What suspense, which one is going to fall this week?
Or how about this spin off: “Hot Girls Bending Over to Pick Up Loose Change”. Consider the multitude of camera angles that could come into play on this one!
My personal favorite would be: “Hot Girls Talking On Their Cell Phones, Putting on Makeup, and Eating Breakfast While Driving on the Freeway”. This project could evolve into an Olympic event if the ratings soar as I suspect they will just by reason of the crashes and fatalities factor. Of course this show could be followed immediately by “Hot Girls in Car Accidents Planning their Plastic Surgery”
But here again I digress and again I did not write this article for gain or notoriety. I wrote it to write something that would have as little or no effect on the evolution of our species as possible. I had originally named this article “A Step Back in Time and Intelligence” but then I thought, who would look twice at an article with a title like that, if I am setting out to write an article that has no redeeming value I want people to read it! Just like those who produced “Hot Girls in Scary Places”.