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"Through listening, nurturing and reflection, I catalyze the world, and people, to manifest their highest vision."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Toy Story

By “Toy Story” I am referring to the story of our lives as seen from our inner conversation. We all have one; a story that is. It is the historical account of our lives, the accumulated memories and experiences that become mashed and smashed together, whirled and blended into generalizations, boiled down, rendered into an internal conversation by which we comment on the way we live our life right now. You know this character; it is the one who observes what you do and then passes judgment on it.

As children, we are groomed by reason of our geographic, cultural, family and peer surrounds. It is all quite innocent on a moment to moment basis with the bulk of messages coming into our senses, mental capacity and emotional field unconsciously. I see it more like theme’s than specific messages, although the message is delivered loud and clear, it is the general theme’s we grow up with that go down the deepest and provide the foundation for how we view ourselves and then relate to the world.

As a Life Coach I encounter many “stories” of success and failure. It is a belief I hold and have proven to be true, that I create the reality I live in. The life I have now is predicated solely upon the choices I make and the actions that follow those choices. There is really no getting around that.

I see the genius and spectacular abilities in every client I have ever coached. Each person brings unique abilities and the capacity to be truly amazing. What fascinates me equally is that along with these capacities there is also a “story” that speaks of limitation, victimization or some instance that stands in the way of freedom and total release into ones’ true excellence.

Here described is the heroes’ journey we all face in our lives and we all have to muster the will and conviction to face our demons, our story, and decide which it shall be, which life we really want to create. We have been wounded in our lives and claiming our excellence requires getting through the limitations the wounding impressed upon us.

Facing our history of the past can only truly be effective when it is confronted in a current, real time circumstance. You can plumb the depths of your psyche and drag out all the dirty laundry (the story of your life), which might be helpful from the standpoint of awareness that there is a dragon, but as has been depicted countless times in movies and stories, it is only under real circumstances, in the present moment, where the victory and freedom is won. The heroes journey. Meet a hero called Nick Vujicie. If ever there was a person who had justification to crawl into a hole and disappear he would be it.

How is it that there are so many people in the world apparently less fortunate in one way or another than you or I, and yet they have achieved excellence beyond expectations? What sets them free or what holds us back? These people have every excuse imaginable to develop a story of hopelessness and despair, yet find the means to overcome what appear to be impossible odds. These people represent to us that nothing is impossible and that we create our own limitations. Here is another amazing story:
click here

So many handicapped people sink into a hole of despair and depression no doubt aided by those around them who provide pity and sympathy for their condition. Over time, one might begin to believe the “story” they are being fed; to live based on the limitations. The belief that there is a limitation is really the only thing required. Reality forms around the belief, lives are shaped by beliefs. A good strategy when working with a client is to have he / or she look at the people in their life. If surrounded by people who support you with encouragement and inspiration, it will likely serve you well toward breaking free of your story. The story of Patrick Henry Hughes isn’t complete without the devotion and love of his father. He was surrounded by a supportive family and thrived in spite of physical differences, but in no way were those differences limiting.

For those of us with full capacities, our handicaps can be more subtle but the challenge is the same. Meeting the story of our limitations and faults, all our excuses for why we can only be the way we currently are all boils down to fear. There are various shades of fear and some are stopped by the emotion itself, it need not even have a thought attached. Others have fear that is based on the unknowns involved in really stepping into one’s true sense of excellence and self. Change is scary as it involves risk and new experiences. Change can conjure up all manner of what if’s and no amount of thinking or planning can tell you what will actually happen once the challenge of ending the story of your life as you had known it begins.

I am convinced that many people, maybe even most, consider suicide in their lifetimes and I am convinced that this mechanism inside us is there for us to give thought to how and why we do what we do. I would go so far as to say that the compulsion toward suicide is the wakeup call for something profound, but a lot less dramatic than physical death. It is a voice of reason saying to you from the depths of your being that who you have been must go. Not leave the planet, but must be transformed, recreated; it is time for a new chapter in your story. Depression is also such a call that change is necessary. Many of these calls for help in our society are treated with drugs to further suppress the voice inside. Scientific studies will even tell you that your biochemistry causes depression. As I have already said, you create your reality. Any scientific study can be undertaken to find something you are already looking for. In this case a chemical imbalance. Has anyone checked to see how our consciousness might alter our biochemistry and return it to normal?

The story of your life is just that; a story. It can be a tragedy, a comedy, a love story or an action packed adventure. It can be “me the victim”, or the hero, the lover or the warrior, the thinker, the predator or the one who understands that it is all a story. It is the wise one, the one with wisdom who sees and understands, who can play all the roles and at the end of the day, put all the toys back in the toy box.
Meeting and dealing with your personal hero’s journey involves stepping into your fears in real time life situations. Fears can only be overcome in the present moment. There is no tomorrow. There is no fixing the past from a couch. Life is quite merciful and rarely gives us more than we can chew unless we ignore something for too long. At that point something of a more pronounced nature shows up not giving us a choice in the matter. Consider the smoker, drinker, fast food, middle aged person who “suddenly” has a heart attack. All along the path there were hints something was out of balance, shortness of breath, loss of stamina, weight gain, loss of performance and acuity etc. Life sending the message to pause, consider and make profound changes. Unheeded, the heart attack drives the message home.

This world is an amazing place. We live in a matrix where we can choose to create anything under the sun. We have so many examples of people, like the ones I have introduced here, who have gone far beyond expectations. Their formulas for overcoming their stories are similar: clear direction fueled with passion, unrelenting discipline, focus and a great support system. Here are the tools and the formula, the rest is up to you and the choices you make.

Here is one more amazing example ……
click here