Although I have heard many times throughout my life how we each create our own reality and by reason of my coaching practice am acutely aware of this phenomenon, I had yet to come across any mainstream recognition of this fact, that is, until I came across a particular book titled “The Field”. The book, having been published in 2001, makes me a late comer to the party on this one. If you have not read the book, in a nutshell, the author, Lynne McTaggart compiled scientific research and studies of physicists who have been involved in research over many years of how Quantum Physics has opened the door to our understanding of the impact living beings have on electric particles (electrons), the building blocks of our “reality”. I put the parenthesis on reality because as a result of these studies it appears that matter, solid substance, does not really exist. In essence, our interactive participation with “the field” (an energy field) through the aperture of our consciousness, creates reality.
As mentioned earlier, I was aware of these “possibilities” through the range of reading and interests I have, but I had never looked into the actual work that had been done by the scientists themselves. Virtually all the scientists were skeptics and highly conservative as scientists generally are, but throughout the course of their experiments and studies, they could not get around the facts that were coming to them as a result of their work.
Many of the studies are incredibly dry and mundane but the resulting information is a paradigm blower! Over the years I have become more aware of how it is that I create the circumstances, opportunities and situations in my life, and through my coaching clients’ performances have become more convinced that at the level of “form” we really do create our own lives.
Ironically, while it appears we have this ability, we really do not have the discipline in place to really make it happen in any specific way. Many of the studies in the book center around people interacting in various ways in a variety of activities such as; to influence a controlled electrical device by concentrating or focusing on one thing or another related to the machine (I do not want to delve too deeply into the nuts and bolts of the science), or practicing “remote viewing”, or affecting the healing process of terminally ill aids patients by offering them blessing or some form of radiant expression (all from a distance). In each of these studies, the results are unassailable; human beings interact with a field of energy with intention through their consciousness have a definitive impact on electrical fields over great distances. When studies focused on groups of people acting in concert together, the results were exponentially greater.
As a species, during the last century we have become aware of these possibilities. I tend to believe that we created this new paradigm of Quantum physics, just like all the other paradigms that have come about by reason of scientific investigation, or what ever venue is the prevailing aperture for the mass consciousness to orient to. For centuries it was religion that provided the paradigm and the “laws” of god and nature. The lag time between advances in consciousness and its acceptance into the main stream consciousness and thereby shaping that current reality can be quite long, but when the 100th monkey gets it, we all get it and then something new becomes a way of life.
At this point in time, with movies like “The Secret” and “What the Bleep?” the laws of quantum universe have been introduced into mainstream consciousness. If you go along with the notion that you create your own reality, then how are you practicing that creation? It is clear from the studies, and also through my own experience, that purpose, vision, commitment and creation can and will manifest a whole new set of circumstances if one knows how to practice each of the steps! When you look at yourself in the mirror and honestly answer the question “Are you really happy?”, or if you take into account everything you now have in your life (friends, family, home, finances etc) can you really say, “I created all of it, every last detail of it and I understand how I arrived here in this moment just the way it is”?
The creation of our lives is not a random progression of circumstances (unless that is your intention). What the scientific studies seem to indicate is that electrons are quite happy flitting into and out of form. In fact they really only flit into form when they are being studied or observed. The implications of that statement implies that the world we experience and see, is a collective creation which is shared through this vibrational field of energy. Living beings create reality.
What each of us can call our lives is a specific result of our own consciousness interacting with this energy field. The same holds true for our collective reality. The field itself contains the memory of all molecular interactions everywhere that have ever taken place. We live within this field and will create our lives for the most part, as a result of our emotional, mental and physical inclinations. We can be completely oblivious of this field and will still create our reality. You might say we can create out of ignorance that this field is present or we can create out of conscious interaction with this field, either way we will create our experience.
Knowing this, it seems prudent on our behalf to learn how this field is accessed through our consciousness. What is the operating manual? The scientific studies indicated that in the long distance healing experiments the best results were attained by those who went into a meditative place. In the remote viewing experiments participants took periods of time to settle their minds and hearts and coming into stillness. In both instances it was mentioned that the process and success rates were heightened when participants were given a little training before hand in how to access and maintain a focused awareness.
I invite you to consider whether the experience you are now having in your life, is the one you really want? Are you passionate about your life, doing and creating the things that leave you satisfied and empowered? What is true and absolute is that you have created what you now have. If you are not fulfilled by this experience it is time for a reality check of your own.
“Whatever you can do or dream that you can do, do it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now” -Goethe