My interest in Life Coaching, while providing good service to those whom I have worked with over the last 6 years, led me on a deeper exploration of why and how it is possible for people (including myself) to manifest / create new circumstances and realities simply by making the decision and commitment to do so. Could it be that simple?
Yes, it is that simple. We have all been practicing the art of manifestation in our lives. We do it every day, every moment. It appears that some people are better at manifestation than others, but I have come to realize this is not true. It only appears that way. What “appears” to us is that someone “over there” has manifested something that we have always desired. We want that too! Because someone else manufactures what we secretly desire for ourselves does not make them a better creator. The fact is we are all creating, all the time. We cannot do otherwise. What you have in your life right now is the expression of all the choices you have made to this point. That is why it is good to take a close look at what you have and how it got there. Is this what you really want? You are the only one who could have made what you now have possible. How could it be any other way? The difference between you and the person who has manifested something that you desire is that they made a decision and a commitment specifically to bring it about. Full commitment.
Many people enter the adult period of their lives with a blueprint that evolved out of their childhood experiences of family and peers. For me, that blueprint was quite a hodge-podge that I managed to survive in spite of; but the “education” through childhood certainly gave no training or map on how to flesh out my deep sense of mission and purpose and make that manifest. I was driven to find all this out as a pre-requisite to getting on with my life and career. In my early 20’s I started a business selling snack food from a basket door to door to businesses. After a number of months one of my regular customers asked me what I would do if this business didn’t make it. In that moment I realized I had never considered the idea that it might not be successful. It was never part of my paradigm. Oh yes there were difficult challenges getting a startup business going, but the thought that it might not work was never an option. That kind of commitment in anything one undertakes will produce the desired result. Without fail. I thank that customer for asking the question because it made me realize a key component that manifestation rests upon; commitment. At the time I was still working on mission and purpose in my life. Ultimately this business was sold so I could move more specifically toward my sense of purpose, but an important aspect of life was revealed to me by reason of that experience.
What I have come to notice through all the trainings, seminars and my coaching work, is that there are certain people who, upon coming to the understanding that they actually do create their reality, want to understand consciously the laws they have been putting to use which, up to that moment has been unconscious. We cannot be free from the laws of manifestation, we cannot be free from creating our reality, but most of us are not actually aware of how to be aligned and conscious of the laws and how they have been working in our lives already. Those who “wake up” so to speak to these fundamental laws change their lives through practice. Why? Because they already understand that what they have achieved in their lives to that point, has been a result of practicing manifestation without clear understanding of the process, thereby yielding unfulfilling results. Results are only unfulfilling when they are out of alignment with our sense of purpose. Of course if the purpose is unclear and unarticulated, finding fulfillment becomes a game taking place in the dark.
The essence of my brand of coaching is based upon understanding oneself in several key areas. Those who have come on board to work with me have changed their lives to one degree or another, depending upon their commitment and understanding as to how they “tick” and re-training their capacities to manifest a life that is truly congruent to who they are and why they came here!
I’ve written these thoughts as an invitation for people who may be in transition, a tight spot, unsure of direction or generally confused about what is next in some portion of their lives. The invitation is to go deeper within the context of your current life, and work in an intensely creative container to uncover and develop a new blueprint for yourself. The invitation is to be congruent with who you inherently are, and allow the world you inhabit to be a reflection of that deep sense of knowing that resides inside you.
What is the quality of “you”? How do you care for the things you love and want to see grow? The exploration “TO BE” is really the only game in town. Everything undertaken without this fundamental experience in place is an effort to fill that place with substitutes. Most people use possessions, habits and a plethora of activities to mask the deep sense that something is missing. Many stay busy trying to fill this place that can only be filled with conscious understanding of purpose and mission.
Every human being has a mission and purpose. For those who believe in a higher power, how could it be any other way? Would a greater Intelligence manifest this experience we call life without a purpose? We are all part of that purpose! For those who do not resonate with the “Higher Power concept” might be forced to admit that there is some kind of order or laws present that allows molecules to organize themselves into what we are clearly witnessing all around us. Seems to me there is intelligence at work of one kind or another round about. There is greater purpose (at least an organizing purpose) and as a direct result of that, we, by default are included within that context.
Human beings have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that there is purpose to this whole grand scheme of things and that they too have a purpose within that context, and further, each person can actually be conscious of the part they are here to play. How could anyone possibly be brought into form here on earth; going through the process of incarnation, all taking place within a context of purpose and not have access to the blueprint required for getting here? The blueprint is us! It is our very substance of animation. Purpose and meaning for anyone is literally within each person’s grasp. There is nowhere to go to find it. If it seems hard for you, the reader, to find, sometimes all it takes is someone who has made the journey already, to lend a hand.
This is not about religion or joining anything other than the exploration “TO BE”. The exploration that ends with the discovery of what wholeness is for you, which is unique to you!
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do …….. do it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!” Goethe
Best of health and may the abundance you create be abundance you enjoy!
To be or not to be? That is the question.